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Transforming Dining: Insights from DYNE’s "Tech to the Table" Webinar

Explore the transformative power of AI in the restaurant industry with insights from DYNE's "Tech to the Table" webinar, featuring industry leaders from Microsoft, TipHaus, and Waves Coffee House. Discover how AI optimizes operations, enhances customer experiences, and drives profitability in dining.

We recently hosted our highly anticipated webinar, "Tech to the Table," where industry leaders ShiSh Shridar from Microsoft, Steven Hooper Jr. from TipHaus, Kayvan Rahmati from Waves Coffee House, and DYNE's very own Arnav Mishra converged to explore the transformative power of AI in the restaurant sector. With a focus on innovation and adaptation, our speakers discussed how AI technologies reshape the dining experience and revolutionise restaurant operations.

Key Takeaways:

1. AI Optimizes Food Cost & Waste Management: AI is a game-changer in how restaurant operators manage and predict food costs, especially in volatile markets. Through advanced machine learning models and data analytics, AI empowers businesses to make informed decisions about their inventory, ultimately driving efficiency and profitability.

"So understanding these data points and seeing which marketing works for which, communities, which products, you know, these are all something that we piggyback off the [DYNE] AI tool and being able to really drill down on our food offering, and managing our wastage, and really controlling our food costs.” - Kayvan Rahmati

2. Applying Emerging Gen-AI Technologies: The future of dining is brimming with innovation. We explored how AI technologies can significantly benefit restaurants. Such benefits include hyper-personalised advertising, creating menu imagery, curating tailored customer experiences, and developing new recipes for your demographic.

"In terms of use cases, there's been everything from marketing use cases being the primary one where, you know, all of the communication being very hyper-personal. That was one aspect that I've been seeing where the direct promotions and advertising being very personal and being generated by Gen AI.” - ShiSh Shridar

3. ROI of AI: Amidst discussions on technological advancements, the financial implications of investing in AI cannot be overlooked. We dove into the economic benefits for restaurant owners investing in AI, shedding light on the factors influencing ROI and the long-term benefits of embracing AI technologies.

"I think about the general managers at all the hard they have to work day in and day out with lots of different little tasks just to keep the restaurant running...whether it's hiring or training or coaching, scheduling takes a ton of time...utilizing a tool like Gen AI to actually pull together all these data your manager a chance to focus on where they're adding the most value, which is coaching the teams, being out on the floor...” - Steven Hooper

Audience Insights:

The webinar sparked thought-provoking discussions among attendees, with questions ranging from the ethical considerations of AI adoption to practical challenges in implementation. Our audience’s engagement and enthusiasm underscored the growing interest and importance of AI in the restaurant industry.

DYNE's "Tech to Table" webinar highlighted AI’s transformative impact on the restaurant industry. From optimising food costs to driving menu reengineering, AI is reshaping dining and operations.

Stay tuned for more DYNE webinars and events as we continue exploring technology's role in the restaurant industry. Join the conversation and help us push the boundaries of hospitality innovation.

Thank you to all attendees for your participation and enthusiasm. Let's embrace AI and revolutionise dining together, sign up for a DYNE demo here today!

Written by
Luna Crawford

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