Restaurant Blogs

Seasonal & Annual Restaurant Trends

How prepared restaurants are to seasonal and annual trends they'll experience plays a huge part in determining their success and performance for the year and others to come. DYNE allows you to prepare for these trends with data-driven decision making and AI analytics.

Be Prepared Beforehand

Just as any business, restaurants have their own seasonal and annual trends impacting their success, business, and performance throughout the year. The summer season is often characterized by an increase in restaurant activity. To see how you can utilize ChatGPT to optimize your restaurant’s menu by incorporating seasonal dishes, trends and promotions by using seasonal ingredients check out our blog post here. Warmer weather tends to draw more people out of their homes and into restaurants, cafes, and outdoor dining spaces. Tourists and families on vacation also contribute to higher foot traffic during this time. During fall months, as the weather cools down, there might be a slight dip in restaurant business compared to summer time. However, the fall season can bring a resurgence in business as people return to their routines after summer vacations. The whole month of December, encompassing Christmas and New Year's Eve, often leads to a significant uptick in restaurant activity. Many people choose to dine out for festive celebrations, work parties, and family gatherings. After the holiday season, there's typically a period of slower business in January and February.

Cold weather and post-holiday budget constraints and other factors often contribute to this trend. As the weather starts to warm up again, restaurants tend to experience a gradual increase in business. Beautiful weather and the end of winter time inclines people to dine out, get together, and explore new culinary experiences. Throughout the year, certain holidays and special occasions can lead to increased restaurant traffic. Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, and other special celebrations often prompt couples, families, and friends to dine out, resulting in heightened demand for reservations and special menus. Depending on a restaurant's location, local events, festivals, and cultural celebrations can have a significant impact on business. Restaurants situated near event venues, in central places of a city, or popular tourist destinations may experience increased patronage during these times. Considering these outside factors like seasonal and annual trends that are a constant, plays a key role while planning ahead and preparing for these different times of the year which altogether affects a restaurant’s success throughout the years. You can even minimize your restaurant's food waste by understanding these annual trends and decrease your inventory costs while increasing your restaurant's profits and sustainability. To learn how you can apply this you can read our Tips for Reducing Restaurant Food Waste blog post.

The National Restaurant Association estimates a 20% success rate for all restaurants. About 60% of restaurants fail in their first year of operation, and 80% fail within 5 years of opening. According to a Cornell School of Hospitality study, independently-owned restaurants have a 10% chance of surviving their first year in business and after three to five years in business, seven out of ten eateries close. Some of the main three reasons restaurants fail in these crucial years and even in the following years is due to decision-makers not being able to interpret and use the crucial statistics and analytics to their advantage, ineffective menu pricing and planning in the restaurant, and failing to adapt to current and improving technology, industry trends and standards.

Optimize Restaurant Operations

Here DYNE comes to restaurants’ rescue! DYNE Dashboard provides restaurants certain tools that enhance their data-driven decision making with data and AI analytics, which unlocks crucial tools like demand and sales forecasting. These forecasts emerging from previous customer data and trends will altogether allow a restaurant to save up on costs and increase profits by optimizing shift scheduling and inventory management. These will lead to a decline in waste of food, resources, time, and money, allowing a restaurant to only cover perfectly needed enough labor, and an increase in customer experience and satisfaction overall. The Dashboard's customer data and competitive analyses, also allows a restaurant to shift to dynamic menu pricing to adjust pricing accordingly to demand, market changes, and competition, and thus maximize profitability and increase foot-traffic in off-peak hours. Last but not least, you’ll also be able to keep up with all the industry trends, news and technologies, and stay ahead of the curve with DYNE.

Written by
Gizem Keskin

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